How to Choose the Seat If You Are Scared on a Plane

A lot of people like traveling and visiting new places, but one thing about traveling is not so exciting: flying. Flying is a nuisance for some travelers, thanks to noisy engines, motion sickness, lost luggage, narrow seats and airport delays.

Everyone has a certain degree of aerophobia. If you ‘re afraid of flying, sometimes the best thing you can do is put on a blindfold and fall asleep until you land at a sunny destination. But for some passengers who are afraid to set foot on the plane again at the thought of turbulence, flying is not only inconvenient: it is scary. (more…)

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6 Powerful Techniques to Stay Calm During a Turbulent Flight

The holiday is coming, which means for most people, there is a lot of air travel to be done. If you’ve ever been on a plane, what’s the worst thing that can happen during a flight? Motion sickness? Or sitting next to a noisy child, a weirdo, a stinky guy? The answer for most travelers may be terrible and unexpected shakes, also known as turbulence. So, is the shake usually a sign of disaster? Is it really as bad as we think? Fortunately, turbulence may make you anxious and nervous, but it’s not that dangerous. (more…)

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