Things the Flight Attendants Won’t Tell You and Never Want You to Know

You might think you know a little about how to find cheap tickets and deal with long-haul flights, or you might think of yourself as a flight expert because you travel frequently. Maybe so, but there’s a group of people who know so much about the details of airline service and air travel that beyond your imagination – Friendly and calm crew members. (more…)

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A 5-Steps Guide for You to Sleep in An Airport

Sleeping at the airport is never what people expect, but sometimes it is inevitable. Resting at the airport may be necessary if you book an early morning flight, encounter an airplane stopover, or have a delayed flight, while you want to keep your head clear and get to your destination as soon as possible.

Some airports are ideal for overnight stays, but others are not.  If you want to get high-quality sleep in busy airports, the most important thing is to minimize environmental interference, but also to ensure the safety of yourself and your belongings. (more…)

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5 Useful Tips for a Relaxing and Comfortable Flight

There must be some discomfort during a long flight. Also, flight delays, noise, and turbulence during flights, narrow seats, tasteless food, dry environments, rapid changes in temperature and jet lag can all add to the discomfort. Long-haul flights don’t necessarily mean pain. If you plan ahead and bring something that will help you kill the time and help you sleep, you can actually enjoy it. When you have to take a long trip, sit down, relax and make good use of it. You can try to turn the inevitable into something pleasant and learn to cherish your time on the plane. (more…)

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Best Seats on Airplane for Less Turbulence

For many passengers and even the crew, encountering turbulence during the flight can be a major hassle, and the feeling of turbulence is the part they fear the most. The plane hits a bumpy place in the sky, like driving a car on a bumpy road. Although the structure of the aircraft can withstand turbulence, the aircraft is not the most comfortable cabin when the external air begins to hit violently. (more…)

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6 Secrets to Fight Jet Lag

This is your long-awaited holiday, but you’re exhausted when you land at a destination in a brand new time zone, or if you’re on a business trip but doze off while talking to your boss at work. This is actually caused by the jet lag reaction. So, what exactly is jet lag?

The chemical-based circadian rhythms in our bodies tell us when to eat and when to sleep, and anyone flying in multiple time zones must contend with the confusion of biological rhythms known as jet lag, this means that the biological clock often breaks down in the first week after a long flight east or west. Jet lag is a kind of extreme fatigue that shows other physiological effects and disrupts the body’s 24-hour rhythm. (more…)

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6 Powerful Techniques to Stay Calm During a Turbulent Flight

The holiday is coming, which means for most people, there is a lot of air travel to be done. If you’ve ever been on a plane, what’s the worst thing that can happen during a flight? Motion sickness? Or sitting next to a noisy child, a weirdo, a stinky guy? The answer for most travelers may be terrible and unexpected shakes, also known as turbulence. So, is the shake usually a sign of disaster? Is it really as bad as we think? Fortunately, turbulence may make you anxious and nervous, but it’s not that dangerous. (more…)

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