Ideal Positions and Seats for In-Flight Sleep

Limited leg room, continuous noise, uncomfortable narrow seats, insufficient space for stretching, annoying neighbors, cramped armrests, crying children – the plane is not an ideal place to snooze. No matter how long your flight is, it is always challenging to make travelers feel comfortable. When you are tired during a long flight, nothing is more depressed than insomnia. (more…)

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A 5-Steps Guide for You to Sleep in An Airport

Sleeping at the airport is never what people expect, but sometimes it is inevitable. Resting at the airport may be necessary if you book an early morning flight, encounter an airplane stopover, or have a delayed flight, while you want to keep your head clear and get to your destination as soon as possible.

Some airports are ideal for overnight stays, but others are not.  If you want to get high-quality sleep in busy airports, the most important thing is to minimize environmental interference, but also to ensure the safety of yourself and your belongings. (more…)

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5 Top Tips to Sleep Fast on a Plane

At some point during a long flight, trying to get some sleep is a good idea and the best way to kill time. Sleeping on a plane also helps prevent jet lag after arriving at your destination when you take a night flight during your normal sleep time.

However, there are so many distractions on the plane, coupled with a lack of comfort, and falling asleep when you are tired is not as easy as it looks. Fortunately, you can take a few steps to ensure you get some rest in the air before flying. Whether you are in economy class or business class, we hope you can find some useful suggestions here to help you feel energetic when you arrive at your destination. (more…)

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10 Must-haves for Sleeping on a Plane

Experienced travelers know the significance of sleep. If you’re facing a long trip, especially an all-night flight, no matter how familiar the flight is, one thing that’s still elusive for many travelers is how to sleep on a plane. Sleeping on an airplane is not easy – annoying neighbors, constant noise and small spaces, but that doesn’t mean you should give up sleeping on the plane. From choosing the perfect seat to wearing comfortable accessories, such as pillows and blindfolds, you can regain your vitality and feel rested better during flight. (more…)

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