Things the Flight Attendants Won’t Tell You and Never Want You to Know

You might think you know a little about how to find cheap tickets and deal with long-haul flights, or you might think of yourself as a flight expert because you travel frequently. Maybe so, but there’s a group of people who know so much about the details of airline service and air travel that beyond your imagination – Friendly and calm crew members. (more…)

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Ideal Positions and Seats for In-Flight Sleep

Limited leg room, continuous noise, uncomfortable narrow seats, insufficient space for stretching, annoying neighbors, cramped armrests, crying children – the plane is not an ideal place to snooze. No matter how long your flight is, it is always challenging to make travelers feel comfortable. When you are tired during a long flight, nothing is more depressed than insomnia. (more…)

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How to Choose the Seat If You Are Scared on a Plane

A lot of people like traveling and visiting new places, but one thing about traveling is not so exciting: flying. Flying is a nuisance for some travelers, thanks to noisy engines, motion sickness, lost luggage, narrow seats and airport delays.

Everyone has a certain degree of aerophobia. If you ‘re afraid of flying, sometimes the best thing you can do is put on a blindfold and fall asleep until you land at a sunny destination. But for some passengers who are afraid to set foot on the plane again at the thought of turbulence, flying is not only inconvenient: it is scary. (more…)

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5 Useful Tips for a Relaxing and Comfortable Flight

There must be some discomfort during a long flight. Also, flight delays, noise, and turbulence during flights, narrow seats, tasteless food, dry environments, rapid changes in temperature and jet lag can all add to the discomfort. Long-haul flights don’t necessarily mean pain. If you plan ahead and bring something that will help you kill the time and help you sleep, you can actually enjoy it. When you have to take a long trip, sit down, relax and make good use of it. You can try to turn the inevitable into something pleasant and learn to cherish your time on the plane. (more…)

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10 Must-haves for Sleeping on a Plane

Experienced travelers know the significance of sleep. If you’re facing a long trip, especially an all-night flight, no matter how familiar the flight is, one thing that’s still elusive for many travelers is how to sleep on a plane. Sleeping on an airplane is not easy – annoying neighbors, constant noise and small spaces, but that doesn’t mean you should give up sleeping on the plane. From choosing the perfect seat to wearing comfortable accessories, such as pillows and blindfolds, you can regain your vitality and feel rested better during flight. (more…)

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6 Powerful Techniques to Stay Calm During a Turbulent Flight

The holiday is coming, which means for most people, there is a lot of air travel to be done. If you’ve ever been on a plane, what’s the worst thing that can happen during a flight? Motion sickness? Or sitting next to a noisy child, a weirdo, a stinky guy? The answer for most travelers may be terrible and unexpected shakes, also known as turbulence. So, is the shake usually a sign of disaster? Is it really as bad as we think? Fortunately, turbulence may make you anxious and nervous, but it’s not that dangerous. (more…)

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Guidelines for Using Car Seats on a Plane

No one says it’s easy to raise children, but if you put a plane trip with a child together, you will face a terrible new hurdle. If you want to take a baby on a plane, you should first understand the relevant regulations for infants to fly: only healthy babies born for more than 14 days are allowed. The newborn has incomplete respiratory development, fragile blood vessels. The high air pressure in the cabin can be harmful to their bodies, so babies within 14 days are unfit to fly. With babies-especially newborns-traveling by air requires a lot of thoughtful planning, from booking seats to every needful flight details. Are you considering whether you should use a car seat with your child on the plane? (more…)

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